Established 1998

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Do you ever feel like a Nag? Lately that's all I think I do....Have you done your homework? Have you brushed you teeth? Have you fed the animals? Have you done ALL your chores? Stop messing around and eat your dinner! Stop teasing your sister! Stop fighting! NO-NO-NO...Wow I am feeling worse by the minute! I really try not to be, but how else do you remind forgetful children about what they are suppose to be doing? Never thought I would admit to being a Nag....but I think I am. Anyone know a cure all!!! And for some reason when ever I think of Nag this is the kind of image that pops in my head(below). Do you see any resemblance?


DaynaDouble said...

My ultrasound is next Thursday the 14th. Sorry I have no advice for you on the nag thing...I have not got it figured out myself, but if you get any good tips from others please pass them on. I am sure Brandon will appreciate it ;)

The Caldwells said...

let's see . . . move to an island by yourself . . . I think that would be the only thing that will cure it . . . and when you do PLEASE take me with you :D I think the nagging just goes with the mom/wife territory, cause let's be honest we really just take over where our husbands' mothers left off . . . they need to be mothered forever I think!!!! at least you know you aren't alone in this never ending world of nagging!!!!

The Andersens said...

YIKES!!! I didn't know a horse could be so ugly. Chantz was right! As for the resemblence, absolutley not, none what so ever, so you can be thankful for that. Well at least I know your normal, it sounds like days like I've been having.:)And yes I know a cure all.....CHOCOLATE AND DIET COKE W LEMON of course. Love ya

MiStY said...

Holy nag-aroni, I feel the same so often and not just towards the kids. I think you probably found the best picture for it. Unless of course you found a shot of those poor starving horses in Caneville. That's a nag.....
Dude, I think it's just the "mom way". The minute we were proud parents our brains immediately started thinking for the whole family. If we don't do it who will? Soon they get the point just as we did (some faster than others, Hint, hint, Weston) but they do get it and then they are parents themselves and we get to sit back and watch them nag nag away. In the meantime, take a timeout, breath, drink that diet coke that Kellie mentioned and forget about it til tomorrow, it will all still be there waiting for the Nag :o)