Established 1998

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Modoc County Fair

Today was the horse show at the our fair. Chantz and Sage did SOOO good. I am so proud of them. They both rode Tabu, because gramps was showing Chantz's horse Pedro in Elko. We love Tabu they truely don't get much better than him! It was Sages first time showing and she won 1st in one western pleasure class and 3rd in her other western pleasure class that had about 20 kids in it for ages 13 and under. Chantz won 3rd in western equitation 13 and under and there was about 20 kids in that class too. Chantz also showed in the stock horse class that was for ages 19 and under. He WON 2nd!!! out of about 16 in the class. I am beyond proud of them. For the last month they have been getting up at 5:30 or 6:00 am so they could ride before it gets to hot. It's amazing how well hard work and practice pay off. They are very pleased with themselves ... oh and did I mention their PROUD mom! Today was also the first day of school....needless to say we know where our priorities are...HORSE SHOW. Who starts school on the first day of the fair anyway! The school called Westons cell phone because it was an unexcused absence (why they called him is beyond me) he told them that they were running a fever....FAIR FEVER...I thought I was going to die laughing. I can't believe he told them that. As if they shouldn't have known half the school wasn't there today and there was a bunch of controversy about the fair and first day of school being the same day. Besides I told their teachers they wouldn't be there today.....give me a break!


DaynaDouble said...

What some good looking buckaroos. Way to keep your priorities in line lol! I miss you guys. When are coming to visit again?!?

The Andersens said...

Way to go Chantz and Sage. Here at the Andersen household we are so proud of you and excited. Looks like all of that hard work is paying off. Keep up the good work. How did Gramps do on Pedro? Sage do you think Charlie would make a good show horse if we put a patch on his eye?:)