Established 1998

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Twilight Series

Oh my Gosh!!! My niece Kierra has been obsessed with this series for sometime...when the 4th book Breaking Dawn came out she happened to be here and you would have thought that it was Christmas! She had me curious...then I find out that practically everyone I knew was reading the series including Kelli. I knew if Kelli was reading them it couldn't be that scary! So I borrowed Twilight from Kierra and started reading and reading and reading. I could not put that book down! I started it on Thursday night and finished at 2:00 am Friday.....I couldn't stop was the best book I have read in I can't remember how long! So the first thing I did when I got to Reno on Saturday is head straight for Walmart to buy New Moon the 2nd book in the series. Weston forbid me to start reading it, because he knew what would happen( I would forget anyone else was there). We went to the water park on Sunday and I started it, but spent more time in the water than was HOT! So when I got home last night I started in again.....finally at 1 am I forced myself to put it away and get some sleep. I am half way through and quite frankly I am scared to start reading tonight as I am looking at my MESSY house and piled up laundry and I am getting quite sleep deprived! But I just can't resist. So I thought I would post this so if I am a little delusional for then next few weeks you'll know why.


DaynaDouble said...

I have heard a lot of good things about these books so after I finish Harry Potter (this week) I plan to start the series. Did you know there is a movie coming out based on the books?!?

Lacey Jay said...

I had to laugh when I read your comment and then even harder when I read your post... Yes, you are normal they suck everyone in like that. I am in total agreement: The best books I've ever read. I think that I finished them in 2 days as well, everything else just stops. My sister Cass, just got into them as well and she said the same thing...her laundry is piling up and her kids are basically neglected for a few days:D So funny. I don't know how she does it but every book is like that. Enjoy. Oh and yes the Twilight movie comes out Dec 12th! Love you

The Andersens said...

Are you saying I'm a scaredy cat? Well exactly right! You know me too well. They are such good books. Love ya Kel