Established 1998

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Never A Dull Moment

Chantz is finally home and I am soooo glad. But he gave me a scare today. We spent 3 hours in the emergency room getting an x-ray on his foot. While he was at vacation bible school this morning he decided that he was going to be the one to jump the highest and farthest and doing so landed on his foot wrong. It is the middle of his foot that hurts. The doctor couldn't see any break, but wants the radiologist to look at it (and he won't be in until Tuesday). (Those of you who don't know we don't have the greatest hospital here.) So he got sent home on crutches with his foot wrapped in an ace bandage for now. He was thinking it was pretty cool to have crutches for about the first couple of hours, then when they started hurting his armpits he changed his mind. We are finally home for the night and he isn't feeling so well....hopefully the motrin with kick in soon. He is a tough little feller though!

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