Established 1998

Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July Fishing Derby

Our 4th of July started off bright and EARLY. They were having a kids fishing derby and of course Weston had to be there and hour early "so we could get a good spot". So there we were at 7:00 AM ready to fish. Although Sage didn't have any luck catching a fish she did win a tackle box in the drawing which she is very proud of.
Chantz is with his gramps doing horsemanship clinics. I am missing him like CRAZY! He has been gone since the 18th of June since I had to got to Chicago for work him and Sage flew to Utah to visit Kelli and her kids before they moved to Wyoming. They also got to celebrate Dayna's Bday with her. They got to stay with Misty and went on a tour of the Dinosaur tracks. I think they practically lived in their swimsuits at the Veyo Pool and the new water park. Sage came home on the 26th when I came home from Chicago (thank goodness I was having kid withdrawls). Pretty funny when she had to go to Utah to get her California Girl Tan. So anyway Chantz went to work on the ranch and help his Uncle Giggle (Owen) move cows for a week, then his Gramps picked him up to take him to some of his clinics and they are going to visit the cousins and aunts in West Jordan and they will FINALLY be home on the 13th. That day will not come soon enough. Since he has been gone I appreciate him and every thing he does for me more and realize just how much he does for me. Not to mention I don't like doing his chores! Ha Ha! He is the kind of kid that leaves and impression where ever he goes. I am so proud of him, and I don't know what I would do with out him! Ok- now that I am in tears.....I don't think I will ever let him leave his mom again.......yes I do mean EVER! I hear people talk about how they can't wait for their kids to grow up and leave home and have a family of their own. Bull.....not me I don't want my kids to EVER leave. It will be the worst day of my life!

We ended the night with a few fireworks.....the picture below is Weston and Sage being the geeks that they are doing the chicken dance during the fireworks.


MiStY said...

You can't tell that Sage loves her picture taken at all from the shots of her. I swear Weston and that dance should go on the funniest home videos and you guys would win the big prize.

Anonymous said...

I miss you guys everytime I look at your blog. It has been way too long since we have seen you guys. We need to come visit. :)